Black Cat Appreciation Day: Celebrating Mini-Panthers Everywhere

Show your love for the mini-panthers among us on Black Cat Appreciation Day!

Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!

Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day! |

August 17th is Black Cat Appreciation Day. Today, we celebrate mini-panthers all over the world and the pet parents that care for them.

Believe it or not, these adorable black-haired furballs are in danger, and it’s not from poachers out in the wild. It’s from people who may be your neighbor next door or just down the street. You see, some people consider black cats to be bad luck; this causes some to lash out and hurt (or *gulp* kill) black cats because of superstition. This has to stop!

It’s sad that some people feel the need to harm a cat who has done nothing other than have the ‘wrong’ color of fur, but on Black Cat Appreciation Day, The Meow Place has decided to give you just a little bit of history to clear up the legend of the black cat.

Why is there so much superstition surrounding black cats? Find out more about the legend of the black cat and why you should keep your cat indoors on Halloween. |

A Brief History Of Black Cats

Black cat lore goes back to the times of ancient Rome and Greece, even Norse mythology (the goddess Freya has a chariot pulled by two black cats). The Middle Ages, however, account for much of modern superstition. People during the Middle Ages thought that the Devil would take the form of a cat. They were also known to be witches’ familiars.

Black cats became associated with Satanism and the occult, giving them a very bad rap just about everywhere. Thousands and thousands of black cats were… well, you probably know what happened. It wasn’t pretty. We now know that black cats aren’t the devil in disguise, but some people haven’t got the memo.

Black Cats Are Good Luck

Did you know that black cats are lucky in Japan? Keep reading to find out more about black cats. | Sure, the legends about bad mojo got it wrong, but are black cats actually good luck?

The surprising answer is, in some cultures, yes! The British believe that seeing a black cat is a sign of good luck, especially if you’re a blonde on her wedding day. Egypt, although the ancient gods are no longer worshiped, has a goddess of legend called Bast who loved cats, black ones in particular.

The most cat-loving nation on the planet is Japan. Cat paraphernalia can be found in every shop and restaurant. The “Lucky Cat” statue is quite common, and superstition has it that a black cat crossing your path will bring you good fortune. As you may be able to tell from all of the adorable black cat characters in anime, the cuteness overload these dark daredevils give us is treasured in Asia.

Why Black Cats Are Awesome

Besides their cute little faces? Black cats have just as much to offer as other cats, and some say they’re more affectionate than their lighter brothers and sisters. Here are just a few awesome facts about black cats.

#1 – The Bombay Cat Is The Only All-Black Cat Breed

The Bombay cat simply doesn’t come in any different colors. This cat breed has only black fur, making it the one and only cat to be born with exclusively black fur. The whole reason Bombays were bred was because some crazy cat lady wanted a cat that looked like a miniature black panther. Strange, but true!

#2 – Black Is For Boys

Black cats obviously have both genders in order to populate, but most black cats are male. It’s all about genetics. Something in the cat’s DNA tends to favor the male gender, which is why female black cats are more scarce. Odd as it may seem, there are those who believe in the old wives’ tale that all black cats are boys.

#3 – There Are 22 Breeds Of Black Cats

According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association, there are 22 recognized breeds of black cats. That means 22 options to love your very own mini-panther. However, it can be hard to tell whether your cat is actually solid black or a variety of colors, as many ‘black’ cats are not true black, but rather a mixture of dark hues visible only under certain lighting.

#4 – Black Cats Are More Resistant To Illness

The immune system of a black cat may be the key to treating FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus). For whatever reason, black cats seem to be more resistant to illness. Scientists at the National Institutes of Health are studying both jaguars and domestic black cats, although the work is still in its early stages. However, it’s highly promising!

#5 – Black Fur Can Turn White With Age

While your black cat won’t turn completely white, patches of white fur may appear as they get older. This is for the same reason that human beings start seeing gray hairs. Time takes its toll on us all, but wouldn’t it be nice if age was as adorable as white fur patches on black cats?

All Cats Matter

Save a life - adopt a black cat! Read more about how to raise awareness for black cats. #BlackCatAppreciationDay | cats are in danger all year round, but no holiday is more dangerous than Halloween.

As unbelievable as it is, some people think that black cats should be killed or sacrificed on this spooky holiday, so animal shelters advise to keep your black cat indoors, even if they’re an outdoor cat. Animal shelters will also halt adoptions on black cats for the duration of the holiday or, in some cases, the entire month of October.

It’s sad that someone would want to harm these beautiful animals, but that means we have to work all the more to erase the stigma around black cats. Black cats are far less likely to be adopted than their fairer cousins, not only due to this stigma, but also because lighter colors are deemed more ‘attractive’.

Show your love for black cats by visiting the Black Cat Appreciation Page on Facebook. You can also do your part to raise awareness for black cats by educating friends, family and coworkers with the truth about these gorgeous creatures. Have a happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!

Do you have a black cat, or do you know someone that does? Tell us all about why you love them in the comment section below!

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